Euromath Network and Services for the New Independent States |
General information about the project
The international project EmNet/NIS (INTAS IA-003) is aimed at development of information mathematical networks in the New Independent States formed on the territory of the former USSR. The leader of the project is Euromath Center, organized to support the pan-European object-oriented information network of mathematical profile EmNet. Euromath Center was created by European Mathematical Society attached to the Institute of Mathematics of Copenhagen University (Denmark).
The project EmNet/NIS is the part of the pan-European project EmNet started in 1990.
The Project was divided into two phases ( Phase I and Phase II). A constituent conference of the Project EmNet/NIS/Phase II participants took place in Moscow in April 1995. During the second phase 9 regional centers of the EmNet Network, including Siberia and Far Eastern region (region 5) were created on the territory of the former USSR.
The list of the Project participants from region 5 (Siberia and Far East) includes 8 organizations.
A constituent conference of the Project participants from Siberia and Far East took place in September 3-4, 1995 in Novosibirsk Scientific center, where Novosibirsk EmNet Center was organized and the Agreement on joint activity was signed by the Project organizations - participants from Siberia and Far East. The Agreement determines the relationships between the participants and other organizations joint to the Project, and other constituent documents (see Agreement). In addition to the Workprogram of the Project EmNet/NIS/Phase II the own Project on creation and development of information mathematical networks in Siberia and Far East was accepted.
The Project EmNet, region 5 leaders.
Participants' reports (Associated Contractors) -- Russian version in KOI8 fonts.
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